July 16, 2020

Amtrak Inspector General to Examine Cost-Sharing on State-Supported Routes

Amtrak Inspector General to Examine Cost-Sharing on State-Supported Routes

Amtrak's Office of Inspector General is initiating an audit of Amtrak’s processes for managing cost-sharing on state-supported routes. They're objective will be to evaluate the company’s actions to address longstanding concerns with the PRIIA 209 cost-sharing methodology and the company’s billing process with its State partners. They may expand their scope or modify their objective during the audit. During the audit, they plan to analyze documents, invoices, and agreements related to State partner billing. They also plan to interview Amtrak and State government officials knowledgeable about the cost-sharing methodology and the state-supported billing process. They will work to minimize disruptions to the company by coordinating meetings with staff in advance.